ChainFree Beginnings

ChainFree USA was founded with the Knoxville Branch in the summer of 2021 by several like-minded folks who were seeking a solution to the problem of continuously chained/tethering dogs in our community. There are currently two chapters, three Board Members, and dozens of committed and hard-working volunteers.

Why it Matters

Dogs are social beings who thrive on interaction with people and animals.  Intensive confinement or long-term restraint can severely damage their physical and psychological well-being.  An otherwise friendly and docile dog, when kept continuously chained or intensively confined in any way, becomes neurotic, unhappy anxious and often aggressive.

There are other reasons not to chain dogs!

Public Safety – Dogs feel protective of their territory and when confronted with a perceived threat, their fight-or-flight instinct kicks in.  A chained dog, unable to flee, often feels forced to fight.  Tragically, the victims of chained dog attacks are usually children.

Burden on Public Resources- Our local Animal Control Staff deserves to have time to provide public education instead of responding to welfare checks of chained dogs.

Public Nuisance – Tethered dogs are more likely to bark due to boredom, distress and/or fear, causing a public nuisance to neighbors.  Tethered dogs who get loose from their chains may act aggressively and are likely to chase and attack unsuspecting passersby and pets because they have developed severe behavior problems from long-term, intensive confinement.

Safety of the Dog:  Chained dogs are unable to adequately defend itself, run or hide are susceptible to attacks from other dogs and wild animals.

Board of Directors

Janna Cecil
Janna Cecil
Janna is a Knoxville native and graduated from Central High School and the University of Tennessee. She recently retired from the City of Knoxville where she spent 25 years working in affordable housing in Community Development.

Janna manages all of ChainFree Knoxville’s recipient relations, logistics, procurement, accounting, and much more! When she’s not working on ChainFree Knoxville, she enjoys time with her husband, Darrell, pups Ralph and Gypsy, as well as her son and several awesome kids who call her Nana.

Kyle Anne Lang
Kyle Anne Lang
Kyle moved to Knoxville in 2013 for a temporary, two-year work assignment. Knoxville captured her heart and here she remains nine years later (and counting!). Kyle has a master’s in psychology from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and has spent the past 15 years working for an international contractor, with stints in Iraq, Kuwait, Canada, and Germany. Kyle is passionate about animal welfare and advocating in our community for those without voices.

Kyle is also on the Knox Heritage Board of Directors and Co-Chair of the Broadway Corridor Task Force. Kyle and her partner Justin are fosters for Fighting for the Bullys Rescue and “parents” to a 110lb house hippo and two rescue cats.

Julia Roy
Julia Roy
Julia Roy is a Knoxville native who obtained a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies from the University of Tennessee, and a bachelor’s and master’s of science in nursing degree from Lincoln Memorial University. She is a family nurse practitioner. She is passionate about the health of people, animals, and our community. Julia manages our fundraisers, facebook and instagram pages. Julia and her husband Thomas have a toddler and three rescue pups that keep them on their toes!